Wednesday, 13 August 2014

Enjoy Healthy 15 Second Quest Bar Peanut Butter Cookies

If you are desiring to cook something special and healthy for your family than take a look on MindOverMunch youtube video about how to make thumbprint cookies? Peanut butter cookies are the best cookies ever as these are healthier and good for all age’s peoples. Cookies are most probably loved by all so if you are interested in cooking something special in very short time so try this easy, yummy and healthy 15 second quest bar peanut butter and jelly cookies recipe. This recipe will surely impress your kids and other family member and your tension about their health will be also shorter. 

The peanut butter jelly thumbprint cookies are very easy recipe and the procedure of it is like this:
First of all take a quest bar and divide it into fourths. In second step roll each fourth into a ball shape simply then flatten them with your hands. Now in third step use the end side of a large spatula or a kitchen utensil that can make a perfect hole in the centre of flatten ball or “peanut butter jelly thumbprint cookies”. In fourth step fill the each cookie hole with a tsp of jam and now these cookies are ready for the last step the baking process. At 350ºF bake these cookies for 10 minutes and then healthy peanut butter cookies are ready to enjoy. For more clear info about this recipe how to make thumbprint cookies watch video this will help you in good manner.  
MindOverMunch online video is right place to get good knowledge about short time consuming various recipes. With these information and tips you will be every time ready to cook something special and healthy that always your child and family member loves to eat. These recipes have delicious taste and good for health so best for short hunger and tea break.

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